Criterions for BEC of Interacting Bosons For a homogeneous fluid of particles in a box with periodic boundary conditions, the one-body reduced matrix, which is the N -body matrix traced over all but the
In this paper we explore the physics of condensation when the ground state can contain several condensates—situations of fragmented condensation. This possibility arises naturally from the very concept of BEC—i.e., that the nondegenerate ground state of a single-particle Hamiltonian h0 is macroscopically occupied.
We first propose a simple way of characterizing finite fragmentation. Then, inspired by recent results of semiclassical analysis applied to bosonic systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom, we address the problem of persistence of fragmented condensation.
If there are two or more eigenvalues of order N, with the rest of order unity, then we say it exhibits “fragmented BEC”. It is clear that with these definitions the spinless noninteracting Bose gas discussed in Chapter 1 , Section 1.3 , is characterized below T c by simple BEC.
- If the state is coherent (BEC) each measurement will reproduce same positions of peaks of n(p) (the phase is reproducible). - If condensates are in fragmented BEC state the measurement process will “create” the relative phase and the measured momentum distribution will exhibit interference fringes according to the law
Oct 30, 2023 · In its simple form, Bose–Einstein condensation [56, 60] (also BEC henceforth) is that inherently quantum phenomenon occurring in systems of a large number of identical bosonic
The phenomenon of fragmented Bose-Einstein condensation (fragmented BEC) has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, both from an experimental and a theoretical point of view [MHUB06, Leg, BF09, FB10, KF14].
BEC with fragmentation. The goal of this work is to clarify and quantify certain emergent behaviours of the time evolution of large systems of identical bosons where Bose-Einstein condensation occurs in fragmented form.
Dec 6, 2012 · Schematic comparison between condensed, fragmented, and stable excited fragmented states in a double-well potential. The single orbital of a simple BEC [ϕ 0 (x)] is delocalized (left chart). For a fragmented BEC the orbitals corresponding to different fragments [ϕ L 0 (x) and ϕ R 0 (x)] are localized (right charts). For a given barrier ...
state in which the BEC forms at a pair of opposite mo-menta. For nite, weakly trapped systems, fragmented BEC is energetically favored over simple BEC at either a single momentum or a coherent momentum superpo-sition such as a density wave. In the thermodynamic limit, the fragmented BEC, though favored over a co-