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  1. Peristome - Wikipedia

    • Each peristome is a ring of triangular "teeth" formed from the remnants of dead cells with thickened cell walls. There are usually 16 such teeth in a single peristome, separate from each other and able to both fold in to cover the stoma as well as fold back to open the stoma. See more


    Peristome (from the Greek peri, meaning 'around' or 'about', and stoma, 'mouth') is an anatomical feature that … See more

    In mosses

    In mosses, the peristome is a specialized structure in the sporangium that allows for gradual spore discharge, instead of releasing them all at once.
    Most mosses produce a capsule with a lid (the … See more

    In pitcher plants

    In pitcher plants, the peristome is a reflexed ring (or partial ring) of tissue that surrounds the entrance to the digestive tube in these plants. It often (for example in Cephalotus and Nepenthes) possesses sharp, overhangin… See more

    In fungi

    The basidiocarps of some gasteroid fungi - such as puffballs and earthstars - release spores through an apical opening that is termed a peristome and is variously delimited, its features often being diagnostic … See more

    In shelled gastropods

    The peristome is the margin of the aperture of a gastropod shell. It is the edge of the lip of the shell. This part is sometimes reflected (turned back) or thickened once the snail reaches adult size, and these qualities of … See more

    In other invertebrates

    The peristome is any of the structures or sets of parts that surround the mouth or invertebrates such as echinoderms or earthworms. See more

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