The resonant behaviour of LCR circuits has many important applications in modern communications and is analogous to resonancephenomena observed in other branches of physics, such as in mechanical systems and in atomic and nuclear physics. In this experiment the following aspects of the series LCR circuit are studied: 1.
Pulses are generated from an RLC circuit to modulate the Z axis of a CRO. The dots shift as the applied frequency is changed. Directions for building an underdamped LCR circuit with a period from .5 to 5 seconds. Forced oscillation with a electromechanical generator.
An LCR circuit, also known as a resonant circuit, tuned circuit, or an RLC circuit, is an electrical circuit consisting of an inductor (L), capacitor (C) and resistor (R) connected in series or parallel. The LCR circuit analysis can be understood better in terms of phasors.
1.2 Measurement of Current and Resistance Using a CRO : Using the general method, a correctly calibrated CRO can be used in conjunction with a known value of resistance R to determine the current I flowing through the resistor.
Draw a diagram of a series LCR circuit. • What is the expected resonant frequency? • What does resonance mean? • What effect does different resistor values have on the resonance curve? EXPLORATIONS: • Choose an inductor, capacitor and resistor to produce a resonance between 1 …
In an LCR circuit the circuit will behave inductive or capacitive. From this equation three cases arises: = 2 + 𝑋 − 𝑋 𝐿 ( ) 2 𝑋 = 1/ω 𝑋 𝐿 There will be three cases = ω 𝐿 i. WhenωL>1/ωC,thentanϕispositivei.e.ϕispositiveandvoltage leads the current I. 13
To study the series and parallel LCR circuit and plot the resonance curve at the constant frequency. MEASUREMENT OF FREQUENCY USING LISSAJOUS FIGURE. Aim: To determine the frequency of an unknown signal using Lissajous figure. Requirements: CRO, two function generator, CRO Probes, etc. Formula used: Theory: Lissajous figure:
The most useful pieces of equipment are a dual trace oscilloscope (CRO), a Unilab signal generator or equivalent (with a capacity to deliver 1 ampere of current) and a digital multimeter preferably with frequency and capacitance measurement functions.
Either circuit allows you to illustrate in detail the behavior of an LRC circuit, however, and depending on which particular things you would like to be able to show simultaneously, you may prefer circuit A.
Let us first present a brief overview of the theory of parallel LCR circuit and obtain the expression for resonant frequency of the ideal and practical parallel LCR circuits. We begin this discussion by a parallel LCR circuit comprising ideal components.