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Oct 13, 2021 · Poll workers are essential to the elections process, and we appreciate your willingness to serve your community. We created this website, which includes training videos and a new Poll Worker Manual, to help you learn how to be a successful part of polling place operations on Election Day.
This State of Georgia Poll Worker Manual is to be used as a guide for the administration of elections conducted by county election officials for poll workers. This manual is not intended to be used as a substitute for the Georgia Constitution, relevant statutes, applicable case law, or rules of the State Election Board.
Grade each quiz and provide feedback to the poll workers. Hold a ^lessons learned _ meeting with your staff to discuss ways to improve training in the future. Decide if you need to have a follow up training class. ommunicate with poll workers about …
Want to be a poll worker? If you are interested in serving as a poll worker, please contact your county Elections Office. Their contact information is listed by county on the Secretary of State’s website.
Home [georgiapollworkers.sos.ga.gov]
Poll Worker Training Resources. Elections Division. Atlanta, Georgia 30334. 404.656.2871. sos.ga.gov. Home. Main Content goes here Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Secretary of State Elections Division 2 MLK Jr. Drive Suite 802 …
(a) The election superintendent shall provide adequate training to all poll officers and poll workers regarding the use of voting equip-ment, voting procedures, all aspects of state and federal law applicable to conducting elections, and the poll officers' or poll workers'
Title: Microsoft Word - SB202 Poll Workers.snb edits Author: jharris Created Date: 10/12/2021 3:38:26 PM
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