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  1. Gigantasophobia: A Fear Of Tall People – Healthy Minded

    • Gigantasophobia is a specific phobia involving a person suffering from an irrational and excessive fear of tall people. People suffering from this phobia may feel anxious, nervous, shy, uncomfortable or pan… See more

    What Causes Gigantasophobia?

    There is no definitive answer to what causes the fear of tall people. Like most phobias, it is a complex psychological condition that may have multiple factors involved. H… See more

    Healthy Minded
    The Symptoms of Gigantasophobia

    Some common psychological symptoms and physical symptoms of gigantasophobia are: … See more

    Healthy Minded
    How Gigantasophobia Can Affect People’s Life

    Gigantasophobia can also have serious consequences on one’s life, such as: 1. Making them avoid places where they might encounter tall people, such as malls, parks, or p… See more

    Healthy Minded
    How to Overcome Tall People Phobias

    Gigantasophobia can be treated with various options, such as: -Talking treatments or talking therapies, such as counseling or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), whi… See more

    Healthy Minded
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