-Teachers should make sure there's a healthy presentation environment to limit distractions (e.g., noise from audience). -Students can’t re-present unless there are continued disruptions throughout students' presentation time (e.g., multiple announcements, emergency drills, etc.).
IRR HIGH SCORING SAMPLES. Worldwide Legalization of Rhino Horn Trade: The Political Considerations. How to Address the Heroin Epidemic of the United States: Foreign Considerations....
explaining the research process/method, evidence generated, conclusions, and implications engaging the audience through a dynamic use of design, delivery, and performance techniques. Following...
Evaluating, critiquing, and revising sample research questions: Students will work with the research ideation-formatting tool provided at AP Research training. “There is a problem in or with _____.”
Microsoft Word - AP RESEARCH PRESENTATION. SLIDE GUIDELINEdocx. Purpose - Establish why this topic is worth studying further with 2-3 slides that cite past researcher’s justifications for the topic and state your justification to conduct further …
In the AP Research course, students further their skills acquired in the AP Seminar course by understanding research methodology; employing ethical research practices; and accessing, analyzing, and synthesizing information as they address a research question.
Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org. AP Central is the oficial online home for the AP Program: apcentral.collegeboard.org. The presentation states the research question/project goal OR method OR argument, conclusion or understanding.