Brave is a 2012 American animated fantasy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. The film was directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman, co-directed by Steve Purcell, and produced by Katherine Sarafian, with John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, and Pete Docter serving as executive producers.
When Merida’s mother, the dignified and elegant Queen Elinor, is transformed into a bear, mother and daughter must work together to find a way to reverse the spell, all the while attempting to placate feuding lords and avoid the kingdom’s most renowned bear hunter—King Fergus himself.
Brave: Directed by Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, Steve Purcell. With Kelly Macdonald, Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson, Julie Walters. Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom.
Jun 22, 2012 · Merida, an impulsive young lady and daughter to King Fergus and Queen Elinor, is determined to carve her own path in life. Defying the age-old and sacred customs, Merida's actions inadvertently unleash chaos and fury with the other Scottish Lords, and in the process she stumbles upon an eccentric and wise old woman who grants her ill-fated wish.
It was the first Pixar film animated with a new proprietary system named Presto. Brave is set in ancient times in the Scottish kingdom of DunBroch and focuses on a feisty princess named Merida, the daughter of King Fergus and Queen Elinor.
Brave is a 2012 American 3D CGI computer-animated adventure fantasy film Pixar Animation Studios produced, which was distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It was written by Mark Andrews, Steve Purcell, Brenda Chapman, and Irene Mecchi, and directed by Andrews and Chapman and co-directed by...
Bursting with heart, unforgettable characters and Pixar's signature humor, Brave is incredible entertainment for the whole family. Take a heroic journey with Merida, a sk...more. Pixar...
Brave offers young audiences and fairy tale fans a rousing, funny fantasy adventure with a distaff twist and surprising depth. The main problem is that Merida...
When her actions inadvertently unleash chaos in the kingdom, Merida must harness all of her skills to undo a beastly curse before it’s too late...and discover the meaning of true bravery. Take a heroic journey with Merida, a skilled archer and headstrong daughter of …
Jun 22, 2012 · Pixar Animation Studios, the creator of Toy Story 3, whisks you away on an astonishing adventure to an ancient land full of mystery and tradition. Bursting with heart, unforgettable characters and Pixar's signature humor, Brave is …