Nova Subframe Install On 49 Chevy Truck - The 1947 - Present …
Jan 11, 2011 · Re: Nova Subframe Install On 49 Chevy Truck looks pretty good for a bunch of newbs, haha. lucky kid anyway. great to see the generational thing working. looks like you might have some experience at this whole hotrod thing, judging by the cool stuff in the background.
49 chevy truck suspension mod. - Hot Rod Forum
Feb 12, 2012 · Having installed a G-body front suspension on my 54 Chevy truck (same as your 49) I will share the following first hand knowledge: 2nd Generation Camaro/Firebird (70-81) is too wide for the AD series trucks unless you want to leave the ride height high.
Power Steering For A '49 Chevy Truck? - Hot Rod Forum
May 8, 2009 · I would like to know what the best "donor" vehicle might be, to install power steering on a 1949 Chevy 1/2 ton truck. It is 2WD, and is a work in progress. What I am looking for is any information, or suggestions, for a neat and clean installation. It has a 'mild' build 400 SBC with a TH350 transmission in it, if this is of any help.
1949 chevy truck frame swap - Hot Rod Forum
Jun 27, 2010 · Chevy Would it be easier to put my vortec 5.3 I wanna stay with the fuel injection and the motor I have already since there's rust in my 99 I thought it be interesting to have the 5.3 vortec and auto trans in a 49-53 chevy bull nose pick up. Any suggestions.
49 chevy truck Chassis swap 80 Camaro questions - Hot Rod Forum
Sep 3, 2009 · 49 chevy truck Chassis swap 80 Camaro questions *UPDATE with Pics Ok I bought a 1980 Camaro and We will be picking up the 49 Chevy truck tomorrow. So I have a few questions. 1. What rear end came with this truck and can I use the Camaro rear end instead? 2. Same question for the rear suspension. 3.
Air Suspension on 49 Chevy Truck - Hot Rod Forum
Oct 15, 2003 · The Camaro front is a pretty easy deal. We do typically find that these front crossmembers set up awefully low in these trucks and that the truck actually needs to be brought up..... not necessarly dropped more. You can do it either way, you just need to figure out which way to go. In the rear there are several different ways of doing it.
BROTHERS 4 link for a '49 chevy truck. - Hot Rod Forum
Aug 21, 2005 · I drive a '49 Chevy truck with a 350/350 and Camaro rear end. About a month ago I ordered some parts from "BROTHERS". I ordered the 4 link conversion for the rear end, a "C" notch kit, a set of rear view mirrors, a headliner and door lock for my truck. The 4 link kit was back-ordered but they did send me everything else that I ordered.
49 cyevy pickup front suspension - Hot Rod Forum
Nov 8, 2010 · It is very difficult to find exactly correct track information on the net. The 3100 Series truck front track will be either 56 9/16" or 57 11/16", depending on tire and wheel size used from the factory. Measure center to center between the two front tires on your truck to find your track.
S-10 Conversion Kit by Code504.com? - Hot Rod Forum
Aug 12, 2014 · Long time listener, first time caller! So I finally came across a 1949 Chevy Truck with a pretty good body / interior. It's a semi-barn find…..definitely a project, but I want to make it a truck I feel comfortable driving around the country. I've heard a lot about s10 conversions here and there and have read about AD Engineering and EZ Chassis.
S10 Swap how to - The 1947 - Present Chevrolet & GMC Truck …
Jun 18, 2014 · -47-54 Chevy pickup with bed, fenders, hood, core support-S10 chassis (117" w.b. long bed short cab) If you can, score the brake pedal, master/booster assembly and power steering box.-Engine/trans combo of choice This is enough to start your project, but there is a short laundry list of other parts that will make your swap a LOT easier!