Nov 3, 2014 · MyDXSummit DX Spot Filter Window. As all of you know, DX Spots research and monitoring can be very tedious without filtering. The new filter interface allow easy access to …
To setup program: 1. Make a dir C:\DXT and download the file to this. 2. Close all programs. 3. Now go to the start button, the Run icon, type; c:\DXT\dxt32v55.exe, this is now a self …
Don't know how to use a DX Cluster and too afraid to ask? We cover all the basics of DX Summit enabling you to post spots of DX you see and also to set the filters to enable you to just see...
Add your callsign to the My Call field, a spotted callsign to the DX field and a frequency to the kHz field. Use the Info field for any additional information.
The DX Summit spotting robot appears on the channel as user dxs. In addition to viewing spots and other data, you can also interactively send commands to dxs to request data and send DX …
Engage today's top digital customer experience executives. What is DX Summit? Learn more about this premier digital customer experience conference with our frequently asked questions …
Take a look at some of our most frequently asked questions. Common questions about registering to attend DX Summit. Common questions about navigating our Virtual Event Hub. Common …