May 7, 2019 · An exercise called Philosophical Chairs is a versatile way to get students speaking and listening to one another. It’s a student-centered strategy that can be used in any content …
Philosophical Chairs: Classic Style is a structured form of academic discourse which relies on a prompt as the foundation for discussion and informed debate. It is a form of dialogue in which …
May 25, 2021 · Philosophical Chairs is a versatile and engaging student discussion strategy. If your students are a little restless at the end of the year, Philosophical Chairs harnesses that …
“Philosophical Chairs” is a technique to allow students to critically think, verbally ponder and logically write their beliefs. ß Students read, prior to coming to class, a newspaper article, short …
Philosophical Chairs focuses on a central state-ment or topic that is controversial. A list of possible topics is included in this unit, but you should also develop statements that are …
PHILOSOPHICAL CHAIRS (Discussion, Feedback) Description: This method strengthens critical thinking and communication skills. Application: This protocol is especially useful for exploring …
Philosophical Chairs This strategy prompts students to think and speak critically with their peers about a real-world topic, and to consider how the topic applies to them and how it might impact …
Philosophical Chairs is a format for classroom discussion that ensures respectful dialogue, mutual understanding, and deep engagement into the subject matter. Why Use It? Improves verbal...
A philosophical chairs dialogue is an opportunity for students to think critically, verbally process their ideas and reflect on their beliefs. In a philosophical chairs dialogue, it’s important that …
Philosophical Chairs: Speed Formation utilizes many of the same components of the classic version, but is a fun, fast-paced variation that can be utilized during shortened class periods.