Gleg fur guid.
Wi 2x the speed, in-biggit privacy bieldin and Mozilla ahint it, the new Firefox is the best wey tae stravaig.

We mak the internet saufer, soonder, and faster fur guid.
Mozilla is the no-fur-profit ahint Firefox, the original alternative stravaiger. We mak products and policy tae keep the internet in the service o the fowk, no the fordel.
Oor impact
When ye yaise Firefox, ye help Mozilla fecht clashmaclaivers online, teach digital skills and mak the comments section mair human. Hae a swatch at whit helps mak a soonder internet.
Oor new-fangles
Yaisin the wab as the platform, we big open, new-fangled technologies that alloo developers tae wirk unthirlt fae closed, corporate ecosystems and mak faster, saufer wab experiences fur us aw.
Mak Firefox yer ain wi favourite extras like passwird managers, ad blockers and mair.
Lairn aboot the benefits o wirkin at Mozilla and get a swatch at open positions aw roond the warld.
Needin hauners?
Get answers tae yer speirins aboot Firefox and aw Mozilla products fae oor support team.