Education for kids can feel like a minefield, especially if your pre-school child has shown absolutely no interest in reading or writing. Even earlier, at playgroups, in childcare or pre-school, as ...
Medicine is not what we think it is ... Like most people, when we hear the word ‘medicine’ we tend to think of doctors in white coats, stethoscopes, medications, hospitals and operations. But, ...
As we stroll through supermarkets these days, there is usually a whole aisle devoted to ‘health food’ products, most of which contain ‘healthy’ sugar ... but is there such a thing as ‘healthy’ sugar?
In this day and age we have seen every fad under the sun touted to achieve vitality and wellbeing. Super-foods, best ever diets, intense exercise, calming exercise, and yet stress levels, depression ...
The Self-Care Tips section presents some key ingredients and tips you can use as you develop your own self-care program. True self-care is not about just ‘ticking the self-care box’, but about ...
Siddhārtha Gautama was born an Indian prince (around 563 BC) to a life of privilege. At his birth a wise man had offered the prediction that he would either be a great king and leader of his people, ...
There is something very special about expressing from our essence that is beautifully beneficial to everyone – so what is it that at times stops us? Find out more in this short audio… "To return to ...
Appreciation can be so much more than acknowledging how great what you or another does or achieves, as truly valuable as this is in itself. True appreciation plays a powerful part in evolving our ...
It could be said that the birth of The Way of The Livingness began 2,500 years ago with Pythagoras and the ensuing Pythagoreans. However the principles of purpose and dedication towards responsibility ...