On December 19, Valby capped her year by winning the Bowerman, the highest honor in college track and field. Leo Neugebauer ...
In a video released on December 16, Roan, 26, offered a glimpse into her time as a runner in an interview with the music ...
If there was any lingering doubt about social media star Russ Cook’s self-proclaimed status as the ‘Hardest Geezer’, him ...
That is exactly what former professional runner Dana Giordano did. This On Cloudmonster fan (she has trained for marathons in them) took the Cloudmonster Hyper out for a spin.
Seguro que habrás oído en alguna ocasión la recomendación de alcanzar la famosa cifra de 10.000 pasos diarios, pero lo cierto es que puede no ser realista para muchas personas… ni necesario.