የሶሪያ መሪ ባሻር አል አሳድ አገዛዝ ድንገተኛ አወዳደቅ፣ 14 ዓመታት ለሚጠጋ ጊዜ የተካሄደ አመፅ እና፣ በመቶ እና ሺሕዎች የሚቆጠሩ ሰዎች የተገደሉበት፣ ከሀገሪቱ ሕዝብ ግማሽ የሚኾነው ...
“现在的老百姓,失业的,破产的……在这种背景下,出了个‘三孩政策’,已经实行了三年,基本属于流产。年轻人不结婚,结了婚我也不要孩子,因为孩子生下来,我养不起。” 在中国的政治空气越发风声鹤唳的当下,敢于接受美国之音采访的中国人少之又少。北京资深媒体人高瑜是个异数。 因为写作,高瑜三度获刑,几十年来受到的打压从未停止。今年,当局的打压来得更为猛烈。8月,她家中的宽带、手机、座机全部被切断,年已八旬的 ...
Dams have long been used to produce power and water for agriculture, but they can devastate river ecosystems. In a major victory for environmentalists and Native American communities, four aging ...
The first protests against Assad quickly spread across the country, and are met by security forces with a wave of arrests and shootings. Some protesters take up guns, and military units defect as the ...
Fundurri Itoophiyaa maal akka ta’e addan in baane. Mormii cimaa deemaa tureen wal-qabatee biyyattin Guraandhala keessaa yeroo lammataatiif labsii yeroo atattamaa labsiteetti. Mummeen minsitraa fedhii ...
The Indian Sundarbans is home to millions of people and the region’s endangered Bengal tigers. In recent years, rising sea levels and deadly storms forced farmers to travel deep into the tigers’ ...
The ups and downs of the one-state, two-state and three-state proposals to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Beginning in the 20th century, the international community faced the question of how ...
This year is the 10th anniversary of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). First launched by President Xi Jinping in 2013, China has since poured billions of dollars into infrastructure projects in ...
En el departamento suroccidental del Cauca en Colombia están los municipios de El Tambo y Argelia, que confluyen en el cañón del río Micay y se distinguen entre los territorios con más presencia ...