Earlier, a controversy involving Abhijeet Bhattacharya and Neha Kakkar hit the headlines after the former took a dig at the singers who perform at weddings and marriage-like events. Now, Abhijeet has ...
Indian Idol 15 featured Abhijeet Bhattacharya and Lalit Pandit who discussed the making of 'I Am The Best' from Shah Rukh Khan's 1999 film. Bhattacharya claimed his idea influenced the song's ...
Renowned singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya, who once publicly criticised ... New Year episode of the popular singing reality show 'Indian Idol 15'. In response, Abhijeet took the query light-heartedly ...
Singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya joined the episode of Indian Idol along with Lalit Pandit, Sadhna Sargam, along with his wife Sumati Bhattacharya. Abhijeet had in the past said he gives priority to ...