The show, featuring Emmerdale's Fiona Wade, Casualty actor George Rainsford, West End star Jodie Steele and Coronation Street's Peter Ash, follows the lives of Harry and Freya, a couple from Brighton ...
When the novel came out, the two creators actually "did a couple of events together," the bestseller author shared during an ...
Many a mother might balk at the prospect of co-authoring a teenage novel with her grownup son, not least when cooped up ...
Five upcoming books that explore sustainability, freedom of speech, the farmer’s protest and family ...
American mystery writer Harlan Coben, who's novel has been adapted into the gripping Netflix series Missing You, is a former ...
Some wonderful songs have been written by folks who weren’t particularly motivated until given a prompt from an outside source. Such is the case of “Me and Bobby McGee,” the song that inspired perhaps ...