Analgesia for dehorning calves has been a somewhat controversial subject since I can remember. We learned in vet school about lidocaine infiltration with needles including nerve blocks and/or whether ...
As the calf grows older, it loses its ability to absorb colostral antibodies by the hour. Colostrum given to calves 24-36 hours old is practically useless; antibodies are seldom absorbed this late in ...
Last spring I wrote an article entitled “At What Weight should I sell my Feeder Calves” that bought forth many questions on the value of each additional pound of gain. This article will serve as a ...
During the winter it’s common to have a tougher time keeping calves active, which is necessary for them to maintain body heat. While some farms have heated calf barns, others don’t. If you’re having a ...
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115. The syndrome variously called Da Costa's syndrome, effort syndrome, neurocirculatory asthenia, etc has been studied ...