Discover an effective 5-minute warm-up routine to prevent injuries, boost performance, and get your body ready for exercise.
For those just learning to lift, the fewer the number of exercises, the better. “Two or three [per workout] on the low end,” says Eric Sung, C.S.C.S., a private trainer in New York.
CBS12's Brogan Morris worked with Dr. Jordan Zabriskie to show us one warm-up that you can do before you begin your exercise. Watch this video and follow along before you get moving! Find more ...
Research shows the right warm-up can boost performance and prevent injuries. Discover why it's essential to your fitness routine.
Muscles need time to warm up, and stretching helps circulate ... "A lot of people like to jump right into the workout, but stretching before and after is what's going to determine how effective ...
“The bulk of the exercise is at a faster, brisk pace to raise the heart ... begin slowly, and make sure you warm up before ...
The 30-minute workout consists of a warm-up, the workout itself, followed by a brief cool-down. The warm-up and cool-down exercises are done for 30 seconds each with no breaks. During the workout, you ...