EDITOR'S NOTE: This "Historically Speaking" column contains the opinions of columnist D. Ray Smith based upon the research ...
Army Gen. George C. Marshall had personally directed the Army to handpick several dozen women for a classified assignment: ...
By disabling significant parts of Syria's military, Israel’s swift action has prevented Syria from becoming a wholesale ...
U-505 was a near absolute failure as a killer, failing to sink a single ship for multiple combat tours. The U-boat couldn't ...
To defend themselves against the Nazis, the citizens of Paris rallied together to push out their invaders. 12 Things Your HOA Can’t Stop You From Doing Legally I'm a neuroscientist. 5 things I ...
From the German Wolf Packs to the American submarine force's vital success in the Pacific, Austin and Michael talk on the major tactical evolution and strategic relevance of submarines in both ...
Months of German U-boat attacks in the Atlantic ... the American commander responsible for allocating Army resources during World War II, faced an acute personnel dilemma in 1943: He needed ...
Additional images are available to download here​Vision is available to download here​Australian Border Force (ABF) officers ...
When you think back on the original films with Indiana Jones, you’ll recall that all three actually take place within the period of World War II. Sure, only two of them dealt with German forces ...
Conceptually, it never changes, whether you’re re-fighting WW2 or blowing planes out of the ... The first Brothers in Arms made a great go of it, telling the true story of a parachute infantry ...
BRIAN NADIG Former 45th Ward Streets and Sanitation superintendent Charles Sikanich will be able to avoid a conviction on ...
Ongoing excavations at the Mitte area's Molkenmarkt in Berlin just turned up a cache of unexpected saintly statues.