The Indian Army contingent, comprising 334 personnel, departed for Nepal today (28 December) to participate in the eighteenth edition of the Battalion-Level Joint Military Exercise Surya Kiran.
An ideal exercise program would be 150 minutes a week stretched out over five days, allowing you to incorporate days off. Frequency of rest depends on your fitness level. Two or three rest days ...
Gradually increase your exercise time and intensity if you are just starting. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. The amount of water you need depends on your activity level ...
If you are short on time and space, here is a cheap, effective way to get stronger. If you are short on time and space, here is a cheap, effective way to get stronger. Credit... Supported by By ...
Exercising too close to bedtime may make sleep problems worse. “Exercise, especially vigorous or high intensity, is associated with the release of more stress hormones and sympathetic stimulation of ...