Green animals also live there - bugs, caterpillars, bees, beetles, lizards, parrots, and snakes make their homes in the rainforest ... the tropical ones are usually found on ‘house plants’.
Fire crews responded to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo's RainForest on Wednesday afternoon for a blaze that officials say was ...
The past 12 months have seen animals of all shapes, sizes and colours strut their stuff – here are just a few of the best pictures from the year ...
It's believed about three million different species of plant and animal ... almost 85,000 fires in the rainforest so far. So what does this mean for the many animals who call the Amazon home?
Scientists have today announced the discovery of a species of lipstick vine completely new to science, from the depths of the Philippine rainforest ... the plant's flowers have a distinct pattern ...
The Amazon region holds the largest tropical rainforest in the world and is home to plant and animal species that are still being discovered by scientists. Most of its millions of square ...
Green animals also live there - bugs, caterpillars, bees, beetles, lizards, parrots, and snakes make their homes in the rainforest ... the tropical ones are usually found on ‘house plants’.