The output is then filtered to get a 73 MHz output signal. Of course ... sources of noise introduced by tubes or transistors. This has made the amplifier useful for things like radar and space ...
It was a working amplifier ... If the signal changed rapidly, as a voice coming over a phone line does, the transistor couldn't keep up and would garble the output. The problem lay in the middle ...
The first transistor was ... Each time the input signal shoves more holes into the germanium, it changes the way current flows across the crystal -- the output current instantly gets larger ...
Pertinent design information for RF power transistors is usually presented in the form of large-signal input and output impedances, as shown in Fig. 7-1. Fig. 7-1 is a data sheet for the Freescale ...
The 303’s ‘triples’ transistor output configuration solved the thermal instability issues that plagued early transistor amplifier designs ... the audio signal path is totally analog.
Most analog IC amplifiers are designed to drive high-impedance loads and/or mostly capacitive loads. Only the output stage may be designed to ... The active element such as the transistor is treated ...
Abstract— Today’s on-chip Analog/Mixed-Signal and RF (A/RF ... with the task defined as “inputs = transistor netlist + vectors + expected results, output = pass/fail”, then we must somehow work out ...