Transistors do not create electric current, they only control electric current supplied to them. The input current at the base controls the output current flowing between the emitter and the ...
Of course, a transistor in a telephone or in a radio has to handle complex signals. The output contact can't just amplify a steady hum of current, it has to dutifully replicate a person's voice ...
The amplifier is a very old-fashioned, single-ended design with an output transformer. The transistors in question are the now-archaic germanium PNP devices that had probably already been ...
The 303’s ‘triples’ transistor output configuration solved the thermal instability issues that plagued early transistor amplifier designs. This circuit layout produced low distortion ...
If the collector and emitter are placed in parallel to an open switch, then the state of that switch can be easily controlled by a microcontroller output pin. Transistors want current control ...
Figure 4: Interdigitated cell layout for RF power transistor. The most critical parasitic capacitance for the gain is between collector and base. In a vertical RF power transistor, the silicon ...
Transistors provide this isolation, but the microscopic physics of nonlinear optical processes and stimulated emission typically does not. Ideally, we want a device with separate input and output ...
An inverter takes an input signal and produces an output signal that is the opposite or the inverse of the input. In this circuit, the nMOS transistor is connected to the ground, while the pMOS ...
Here’s a blast from the past as we reprint our news from NYC’s 1961 IRE show—the first integrated logic circuits in TO-5 and ...
What is claimed to be the industry’s first 1,700V GaN transistor has been announced. Steve Bush interviews Andy Smith, ...
That is, if the verification simulation problem is treated in isolation, with the task defined as “inputs = transistor netlist + vectors + expected results, output = pass/fail”, then we must somehow ...