New Adventures, a stop-motion series inspired by the Transformers One movie, rolls out on the official YouTube channel.
manage a disaster of their own making turns "Thirst" into one of the must-see "Transformers" episodes. If you're looking for the easiest way to keep up with all the major movie and TV news ...
At the end of the last live-action Transformers movie, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, a massive hint at the future of the ...
As dangerous as Megatron and his Decepticon ideology are, the Transformers universe is full of far more existential ... before in the live-action movies twice, in one instance serving as a far ...
Scarlett Johansson chats with ET at the London premiere of 'Transformers One,' in theaters Sept. 20. Scarlett Johansson reveals to ET, she met up with the cast of ‘Transformers One’ for the ...
I grew up with Transformers, I have seen at least most of the hit or miss Michael Bay movies, and I am always eager to see where the franchise goes next. I was not expecting Transfomers One to not ...
Transformers has ... or any major blockbuster movie up to that point (2009). The battle was one of the most intricate and VFX-heavy action sequences presented in full IMAX at that time, requiring ...