Gunnar has announced the upcoming gaming glasses collection to arrive in 2025, aimed at enhancing the digital screen ...
What has been these artists’ experience, and how has their art resonated with the young people who make up their audience?
For the first time ever, AEON’s collaboration with tokidoki introduces an exciting twist to festive collections. Vibrant characters and bold patterns bring life to oversized tees, samfus and ...
The trailer begins with a teaser showing silhouettes of the different Overwatch 2 characters in the Avatar skins as they perform actions. It is then that it cuts to Zenyatta in the Aang attire.
You can store your drinks and lunch inside the bags that are part of the new collection, too. Tokidoki characters also grace the Insulated Lunch Box and Reusable Tote Bag, which both feature a purple ...
There are plenty of characters you’ll recognize in the series, but all new faces, so let’s run them down, shall we?
A large number of Character.AI users are reporting that they were unexpectedly signed into a stranger's account, allowing them to see their entire chat history, personas, and even identifying ...
In an announcement today, Chatbot service Character.AI says it will soon be launching parental controls for teenage users, and it described safety measures it’s taken in the past few months ...
An icon in the shape of a lightning bolt. Impact Link The AI startup Character.AI is facing a second lawsuit, with the latest legal claim saying its chatbots "abused" two young people. The suit ...
Two families have sued artificial intelligence chatbot company Character.AI, accusing it of providing sexual content to their children and encouraging self-harm and violence. The lawsuit asks a ...