Some credit card companies with rewards programs may be breaking the law by using bait-and-switch tactics, the Consumer ...
Make charges to your card or borrow against your credit line. Either way, you can pay off the balance in equal monthly installments at a fixed rate. It earns rewards, but it lacks certain other ...
When Jodi Hayes went on a cruise in August, she didn’t expect to discover that 35 strangers were added onto her Marriott ...
A one-two punch of business and personal spending on your credit cards will help you earn a ton of points and other rewards.
If the idea of juggling multiple credit cards is stressful, sticking with one may be the way to go, but choosing that ...
It's becoming an essential part of credit card use and management, and not just because of the potential for bonus rewards ...
Surging inflation and rising costs have forced many consumers deeper into credit card debt. According to TransUnion, the ...
Desiree Gutierrez and her husband grew up in lower-middle class homes. They had little financial literacy entering adulthood ...