It tells the tale of Thorfinn, a young boy who once dreamed of exploring Vinland after hearing tales from Leif Erikson. But after witnessing the murder of his father at the hands of Askeladd ...
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device ...
Vinland Saga has some of the most profound quotes in all of anime, offering insight on war, revenge, and the human condition.
Dark Fantasy anime is one of the best genres in the medium, having amassed a huge fan following over time. Shows like Vinland ...
No other anime series is remotely comparable to Vinland Saga as it delivers a very hard-hitting message through its such an ...
With a sword in hand, Askeladd leads a band of ruthless and bloodthirsty Vikings. He killed the father of Thorfinn, the main protagonist of Vinland Saga, yet became a trickster mentor to him.
Makoto Yukimura’s most epic tale, Vinland Saga, is no ordinary series. It’s a result of countless hours of exhaustive research and passion that has brought its storytelling to an unprecedented level ...