Thomas Brodie-Sangster, renowned for his role as Sam in the 2003 Christmas film has recently married Talulah Riley, who was previously married to Elon Musk. The romantic comedy follows intertwined ...
Actor Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who shot to fame after playing the adorably lovestruck Sam in the popular Christmas film, is all grown up and married. But you won't believe who he's married to ...
Thomas Brodie-Sangster melted hearts as the love-struck Sam in the Christmas classic Love Actually, but he's all grown up and married to someone who you might not have guessed. The 34-year-old ...
Talulah Riley and Thomas Brodie-Sangster got married in June in a formal ceremony. After meeting on the set of Pistol in 2021, Brodie-Sangster, 34, who is arguably best remembered for his ...
Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who melted hearts as the love-struck Sam in the beloved Christmas film, is now all grown up and married. The 34-year-old actor, who first gained fame as a child star ...
Despite the public drama of their on-again, off-again relationship, Riley and Musk have managed to maintain an extraordinary ...
’Tis the season for Christmas movies ― and for many, the 2003 film Love, Actually is a festive must-watch. The movie, which showcases a range of relationships between friends, families ...
Thomas Brodie Sangster (Rafe Sadler) and Harry Melling (Thomas Wriothesley), both in their 30s, capture their subjects perfectly. Damien Lewis still seems to walk in Henry’s now halting ...
You never want to say a hockey game is over after 20 minutes. But Friday night’s game between the Gophers and Notre Dame was ...
It is packed with stars like Colin Firth, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson, and more, offering a perfect dose of early-2000s nostalgia for its admirers.
After falling behind to an Emmanuel Latte Lath goal in the 30th minute, Potts set up the equaliser shortly after half-time.
Pre-season is back in full swing after the Christmas break and players are starting to make their move for the season opener.