Two studies published in Nature report the structure of apolipoprotein B100 ... and cellular processes altered by these compounds. The thiol-ene coupling between an alkene and a thiol can be ...
The structure with the largest pocket (i.e. largest distance between ... Residues 225 (236 in Zaire) and 295 (306 in Zaire) are shown in yellow sticks. Figure 3: Thiol labeling of C296 confirms that ...
The Scientific Technological Centre of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry NAS RA, Molecule Structure Research Centre, 26 Azatutyan Av., Yerevan 0014, Armenia ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. This study identifies a pathway for oxidation ...
A general, clean and easy method for the conjugated addition of thiols to citral promoted by KF/Al2O3 under solvent-free or using glycerin as recyclable solvent at room temperature is described. It ...
In this work, we provide a facile method to design ROS-responsive and mitochondrial targeting CO-delivery nanoplatform, based on the thiol-functionalized metal-organic framework (MOF), abbreviated as ...
Plant-derived oils provide 20%–35% of dietary calories and are a primary source of essential omega-6 (linoleic) and omega-3 (α-linolenic) fatty acids. While traditional breeding has significantly ...
This valuable work presents an interesting strategy to interfere with the HBV infectious cycle as it identifies two previously unexplored HBc-Ag binding pockets. The experimental data is compelling ...