The show takes audiences from the grandeur of a sparkling Christmas party to the dreamworld of a young girl guided by a nutcracker-turned-prince. For young dancers, "The Prince" is a coveted role.
Ethan Ross of Doylestown is now playing the role of the Nutcracker Prince. Ethan says he started dancing when he was five years old and has been classically training since he was eight.
Ivana Bueno as Clara and Francesco Gabriele Frola as Nutcracker Prince in English National Ballet’s Nutcracker - Johan Persson But what of the choreography itself? The Act I ensembles are ok ...
This year marks 50 years since the Cincinnati Ballet first staged a production of the 19th-century classic story "The Nutcracker" with the same beloved Nutcracker Prince, the same sparkling Sugar ...
The Alabama River Region Ballet's 9th annual production of "The Nutcracker" at the Davis Theater in Montgomery once again ...
Just like the original, Maria-Clara and the Nutcracker Prince go on a dream adventure battling a gang of mice, visiting the land of sweets, and learning the lessons of the holiday season.
This holiday favorite tells the magical story of Clara and her Nutcracker Prince as they batt le larger-than-life mice alongside toy soldiers, and travel through a whirlwind of dancing snowflakes ...
José Pablo Castro Cuevas as the eponymous Nutcracker battled the Rat King in a toy soldier uniform and paper mache head.
ENB’s astoundingly pretty new production of the Christmas classic hits the sweet spot - 4/5 This fun version delivers Quality ...
Mikko Nissinen’s “The Nutcracker” follows the classic tale ... Swept away by a cloud, Clara and the Prince then journeyed to the entrancing Magical Forest. Ji Young Chae as the Snow Queen ...