Bollywood actor Anupam Kher mourned the passing of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, reflecting on his time preparing to portray Singh in the film 'The Accidental Prime Minister.' Kher ...
No is a complete sentence, even in response to a supposedly nice gesture. Dear Eric: I have a friend who is an angry and impatient driver. On a recent trip, he was the driver, and it was a very ...
InvestigationGod incarnate, rabbi, mystic: who really was Jesus? Since the beginning of critical studies on the Gospels, hundreds of researchers have tried to read between the legends to determine ...
Delve into the origins of Jesus Christ, exploring the historical and spiritual significance of His birthplace, and uncover intriguing facts about His birth date and the enduring legacy of Christmas.
Lucado told Fox News, "Christmas begins what Easter celebrates." Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. Easter is about what He was born to do. In the last few decades, that knowledge has taken a ...
This dichotomy fosters the belief that anything that opposes the government is necessarily pro-opposition and directed by them, while anyone who criticises the opposition is automatically ...
Here’s how it works. How much do you know about the archaeology and history of Jesus? Let's test your knowledge of this religious and historical figure. Remember to login to put your name on the ...
Byzantine mosaic from Ravenna, Italy, depicting the three wise men on their way to visit Jesus. Credit: Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 2.5 Famously, the birth of Jesus is celebrated in many parts of the ...
Anthony Trice, 32, was sentenced to 20 years in prison Luke Chinman is an editorial intern at PEOPLE. He joined PEOPLE in 2024. His work has previously appeared in The Berkshire Eagle and Luxe ...