“The Brutalist” tells the story of Hungarian Jewish architect László Tóth, played by Adrien Brody. He escapes the Holocaust and moves to the U.S., where he gets a taste of the American dream after ...
Following The Film Stage's collective top 50 films of 2024, as part of our year-end coverage, our contributors are sharing their personal top 10 lists. Is there a worse way to see movies than the ...
In the new movie September 5, director Tim Fehlbaum takes viewers behind the scenes while ABC Sports covered the Munich massacre during the 1972 Olympics.
The trailer for the DC Studios film gives audiences a look at Superman and Clark Kent, played by David Corenswet. Rachel ...
After seeing how my husband's family celebrated Christmas very differently to mine, and after adopting two boys, I learned to ...
In a record, five of the 25 movies inducted this year into the National Film Registry at the Library of Congress feature ...
Been there, Rockefeller Centered that. This season, hold the hackneyed and up the yuletide ante with excursions that bring ...
Gen X is still too young to be losing their memory, but there are some things most of them seem to remember wrong.
Ellie Hall (ellievhall) on BuzzFeed - Ellie Hall is a senior reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in Washington, DC.
A viral post online prompts people to share photos they took while watching the movie. “Show ur ‘wicked part 1’ photos,” the post says. Although many people are aware that video recording ...