en concret a la companyia d’esquiadors del Terç de Requetés de Nostra Senyora de Montserrat. En ple Pirineu d’Osca va escriure el 1938 una novel·la perduda, Caballeros en la niebla. Quan va tornar, el ...
al Terç de Requetès de Nostra Senyora de Montserrat. Però, tot i això, el capellà ultraconservador gironí Martirià Brunsó va reaccionar amb fúria i amb pseudònim va publicar Los cipreses que maldijo ...
Segons el darrer balanç de Trànsit, les víctimes mortals a les carreteres ha baixat notablement. Tot i això, el servei s'ha marcat com a objectiu arribar a les zero morts el 2050. Per combatre ...
A self-proclaimed paranormal expert and fortune teller has updated his followers to reveal that World War III is “imminent.” Athos Salomé — known to his followers as the “New Nostradamus ...
We are getting ready to wrap up another year so, naturally, that means good old Nostradamus is going to come around with his yearly buzzkill set of doom and gloom predictions. Well, actually ...
Nicholas Aujula, a famous psychic, predicts global turmoil in 2025 with religious and nationalist violence sparking a Third World War. Amidst political instability and rising inflation, he ...
A man dubbed 'Living Nostradamus' thanks to his ability to predict future events has made seven chilling predictions for the year ahead. Brazilian Athos Salomé, who the New York Post this year ...
The enigmatic prophecies of Nostradamus, published in the 16th century under the title Les Prophéties, continue to captivate audiences and remain a popular source of speculation about what the ...
Mystic seers Baba Vanga and Nostradamus share common predictions for 2025, including a major conflict in Europe, alien contact, and significant advancements in medical technology. They also ...
The DB12 is the most accomplished Aston Martin we’ve driven in years. It finally has the spread of talents and abilities to make it a viable alternative to the best rivals out there. It sits ...