In fact they established a ruthless military dictatorship headed by the triumvirate made up of ministers Ä°smail Enver Pasha, Mehmed Talât Pasha and Ahmed Cemâl Pasha that in 1914 they pushed the ...
March 2. Quoted in "A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility" - by Taner Akçam, Paul Bessemer - History - 2006 - Page 159 Mehmed Talat Pasha was one of the ...
Sir (John) Benjamin Stone (1838-1914), Politician and photographer. Artist or producer associated with 1436 portraits, Sitter in 28 portraits. The American retailer Harry Gordon Selfridge opens the ...
Arshavir Shiragian later moved to the United States and died in 1973. Soghomon Tehlirian was born in 1897. He assassinated Talat Pasha on March 15, 1921 in Berlin. Two of his accomplices in that ...
After killing Talat Pasha Tehlirian was arrested, but on June 3, 1921, he was freed from the court room, where Johannes Lepsius testified in his defence. Tehlirian was born in the village of Nerkin ...
Verhinderung der Deportation der Juden aus Palästina Jedoch intervenierte er noch erfolgreich gegen die von der türkischen Regierung unter dem Statthalter Cemal Pascha geplante Deportation der von den ...