Paying off student loans can seem like an impossible task, especially when high interest rates mean loan amounts keep increasing. But student loan relief can provide a lifeline for borrowers in ...
If your federal student loan hasn't yet entered repayment, you won't be eligible to enroll in a repayment plan yet. Repayment ...
The Education Department effectively halts the regulations before the inauguration of Trump, who has voiced opposition to both ...
Among the 59 companies considered, Patelco emerged as the best personal lender for fair credit. Before getting a fair credit ...
The Biden-Harris administration just announced another wave of student loan debt relief for borrowers in the PSLF program.
Around $4 billion in student loan forgiveness will benefit 55,000 public service employees through the Public Service Loan ...
The Education Department said it "intends to commit its limited operational resources to helping at-risk borrowers return to ...
The Biden administration withdrew a proposal to forgive the student debt of borrowers who experienced hardship.
It's officially the end of the road for Biden's attempts to broadly cancel student debt.
The Biden administration has forgiven a total of $180 billion in student loans for nearly 5 million Americans.