A progressively higher-intensity walking exercise program, combined with standard physical therapy, significantly improved ...
High blood pressure is the single most important treatable risk factor for stroke. Preventing, diagnosing, and controlling it through lifestyle changes and medicine is critical to reducing strokes.
A young mother and gymgoer died following chiropractor treatment on her neck pain after “she felt a crack to her neck” while ...
Our grey matter has always been a mystery, even to neurologists, but Professor Masud Husain says life-changing advances may ...
Research has long shown that high levels bacteria linked to gum disease can raise the likelihood of the condition as well as ...
Flossing protects your brain as well as your gums, a new study suggests.People who floss their teeth at least once a w ...
The brain tries to repair damage after a stroke by utilizing its own repair cells, which function like skilled craftsmen.
Flossing at least once a week may lower the risk of stroke and atrial fibrillation, according to preliminary results from a ...
People with shorter protective caps at the end of their chromosomes (called telomeres) may be more likely to develop age-related brain diseases such as stroke, dementia and late-life depression ...
Eight years ago, at the age of 53, Jeff Miller woke up, got out of bed and fell to the floor. Although he was having trouble seeing, he managed to get down the stairs to the first floor of his ...
Shorter telomeres are linked to higher risks of stroke, dementia, and depression, but lifestyle factors may help counteract ...
About 795,000 Americans will have a stroke this year — new research suggests that a common, healthy habit may reduce the risk of certain types of stroke.