Spania a devenit, după RevoluÈ›ie, una dintre destinaÈ›iile preferate pentru emigranÈ›ii români. S-a format acolo o adevărată comunitate în ultimii ani. Conform datelor oficiale ale Institutului NaÈ›ional ...
The largest of the Balkan countries, Romania has dramatic mountain scenery and a coastline on the Black Sea. It has seen numerous empires come and go from the Roman and Ottoman to the Austro ...
Kingfisher plc, the international home improvement company, announced the sale of its Brico Dépôt Romania business to local electro-IT market leader Altex for an enterprise value of EUR 70 million.
Săptămâna aceasta, în presa spaniolă a apărut suma pe care "Sonic" o primeÈ™te anual la echipa din La Liga, informaÈ›ie care până acum nu mai fusese publicată. Andrei RaÈ›iu, plătit cu 500.000 de euro ...
The European Union announced on Tuesday that it has opened a formal proceeding focused on election risks, specifically in the context of recent elections in Romania. The probe will focus on TikTok ...
Romania’s current president, Klaus Iohannis, declassified five intelligence files related to the campaign investigation. One document indicated that 25,000 pro-Georgescu TikTok accounts became ...
As of 1 January 2025, Romania and Bulgaria will officially become full-time members of the Schengen Area, which allows free movement between member states for 450 million citizens. The two ...
România a avut parte de o tragere la sorÈ›i extrem de blândă, eveniment încheiat în urmă cu câteva minute, la sediul FIFA din Zürich. Tricolorii antrenaÈ›i de Mircea Lucescu È™i-au aflat adversarele din ...
La tragerea la sorÈ›i, pe lângă anumite restricÈ›ii în repartizarea echipelor cauzate de distanÈ›ele prea lungi sau de condiÈ›iile meteo nefavorabile pe timpul iernii, nu vor putea fi împerecheate ...
Bulgaria and Romania, both members of the European Union since 2007, were partially integrated into the Schengen in March, opening up travel by air and sea without border checks. Austria's ...
Romania’s national football team has been placed in Group H for the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers, alongside Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, and San Marino. The draw, held in Zurich on ...
Romania and Bulgaria's shared journey to join the passport-free Schengen Area came to an end on Thursday morning as interior ministers from the European Union gave their final blessing to their ...