In a heartwarming turn of events, two Amur tigers, Boris and Svetlaya, have been reunited in the wilds of Russia, defying the odds after being separated for nearly 200 kilometres. This remarkable ...
Remains of a well-preserved baby mammoth discovered in Siberian permafrost YAKUTSK, Russia (Reuters) - Researchers in Siberia are conducting tests on a juvenile mammoth whose remarkably well ...
In two-seat mode, there’s a van-rivalling 1,915 litres; officially down on the Mercedes EQS SUV, but you may find the Volvo’s more upright rear end makes it the more practical car outright.
Christmas is past and New Year's Eve is coming up. If you're looking for something to do in the middle, check out these rock, rap and comedy shows. Sheng Wang: Houston native Sheng Wang wrote for ...
YAKUTSK, Russia : Researchers in Siberia are conducting tests on a juvenile mammoth whose remarkably well-preserved remains were discovered in thawing permafrost after more than 50,000 years.
Volvo leans heavily into its Swedish roots, building hardy machines that can withstand brutal winters in its home country. Launched nearly a century ago, the Scandinavian automaker has made a name ...
An asteroid just came careening into our atmosphere, burning up in a dramatic fireball over Russia. The asteroid, formally named 2024 XA1, measured about 28 inches across, and had only been ...