The coho salmon eggs were collected from Oct. 15 to Nov. 1 at the Platte River State Fish Hatchery Weir in Beulah.
An ice fishing season that almost wasn’t, a gobbling-good spring wild turkey hunt and a summer of slammin’ salmon on Lake ...
The Carl T. Johnson Hunting and Fishing Center will be a hotspot for outdoor-related recreation and education during the ...
A jumbo perch caught through the ice on Devils Lake in North Dakota. (Photo/Courtesy Visit Devils Lake) ...
A rough estimate shows I spent somewhere around 120 days on the water this year in four states — Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin ...
Copious early rainfall and efforts aimed at restoring local salmon and steelhead trout habitat have made such scenes possible ...
Every year, the Department of Natural Resources stocks fish in Michigan waters to provide fishing opportunities and maintain healthy ecosystems. Where do these stocked fish come from? It all starts ...
Average salmon and steelhead counts in the Columbia River Basin over the last decade are still well below officials’ goal of ...
It all starts with collecting fish eggs, and the DNR has been working hard this fall gathering the necessary eggs to produce fish for stocking. Fall egg collections have been completed for wild ...
The Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation plan to update the 5,000-page Columbia River System Operations Environmental Impact Statement to consider new information that has emerged since ...
The 10-year rolling average of salmon and steelhead runs in the Pacific Northwest basin has risen compared to previous ...
Two federal agencies that operate dams on the Snake and Columbia rivers are reopening a 4-year-old study that rejected dam breaching to help save wild salmon and steelhead.