If a line of OB stakes comes to an end, does the OB boundary extend beyond the last one? Rules Guy has the answer.
Does that dirt count as part of the relief area? According to Definitions in the Rules of Golf, the answer is yes. However, keep in mind that an animal hole does not include footprints that are ...
TAMPA — On the first day of the fall semester, a group of protesters clustered inside the Marshall Student Center, holding signs calling on the University of South Florida to divest its funds ...
JERUSALEM - The Israeli military loosened its rules of engagement at the start of the Gaza war to enable commanders to order attacks on targets despite a heightened risk of civilian casualties ...
Log files. They're there for a reason -- to keep track of what goes on behind the velvet curtain of your operating system. When things go wrong, entries are added to those log files, so you can ...
She raised my brothers and me to be mindful of rules of etiquette and social expectations. But she also taught us that sometimes, life with others requires breaking the rules of cultural politeness.
VERGENNES — Vergennes police were busy last week spreading the word about the new Vergennes winter parking law, and then enforcing it over the weekend. The city has adopted a revised ordinance that ...
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