România scapă oficial de vizele pentru SUA peste două zile. Mai precis, pe 10 ianuarie, când vor fi semnate actele oficiale de către oficiali români și americani. Anunțul a fost făcut de ambasada Româ ...
Imperiul Roman, care a oferit lumii drumuri, apeducte și un sistem dezvoltat de ordine publică, a avut o latură întunecată a ...
"A 2 to 3 points lower IQ doesn't sound like much, but when you apply that to the entire European population, it's quite a ...
The Roman Empire lowered IQ levels across Europe according to a new study, due to the vast quantities of lead pollution ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday that the risk of avian flu to the general population remains “low”. Lead pollution during the Roman Empire may have caused declines of ...
Using Arctic ice core samples, researchers estimate silver mining and smelting released enough lead during the Pax Romana to ...
Scăderea IQ-ului a cauzat căderea Imperiului Roman. Un cercetător explică cum un metal banal a contribuit la diminuarea inteligenței romanilor ...
A new study turned to Arctic ice core records between 500 BCE through 600 CE to find a link between lead pollution and widespread health decline in the Ancient Roman Empire, which most likely lowered ...
Lead pollution from Roman mining and metal production may have lowered intelligence levels across the vast Roman Empire ...
New research finds that pollution from ancient silver and lead mining during the Roman Empire resulted in lowered ...
A study analyzing Arctic ice cores reveals that lead pollution during the Roman Empire's height contributed to an estimated 2 ...