Vin Diesel, the lead star of the popular "Fast and Furious" franchise, has revealed that he wants Robert Downey Jr. to be a part of the upcoming film in the series. Diesel, who plays the role of ...
Robert Downey Jr. standing next to noted Fast & Furious fan Christopher Nolan Christopher Nolan, the executive producer who reportedly played an important advisory role behind the scenes of Batman ...
Robert Downey Jr. is back in the Marvel world ... Diesel Shouts Out Co-Star on Stage After Infamous ‘Fast and Furious’ Feud ...
Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law are due for another crime ... One of the reasons that Sherlock Holmes 3 isn't moving forward as fast as fans want is the fact that the team is still trying to ...
Robert Downey Jr. will host a YouTube Red series about AI Tony Stark geeking out about artificial intelligence? That makes sense. The show being on YouTube Red? That could be tricky.