At least 23 Delhi Police officials can now order social media content removals under the IT Act. What does this mean for users and platforms?
If you’re considering signing up or switching to Netflix’s advertising tier in the US, you need to be aware that 155 titles are blocked, meaning they’re unavailable to watch. Below is the list of ...
Tennessee also risked being blocked, but a court preliminarily blocked its age-verification law from taking effect. The other blocked states are Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas ...
Jocelyne Wildenstein, the socialite known for undergoing extensive plastic surgery procedures, has died, according to a statement her fiancé sent to AFP (per France 24). Wildenstein, labeled as ...
During the third quarter, Tampa Bay blocked a Johnny Hekker punt and returned it for a touchdown… but the start of the play was interrupted by a duck on the field. Expand Tweet The Buccaneers ...
If ever there is a place to remove the hyphen, it is here: Antizionism today is no mere opposition to Zionism. It reflects instead an independent form of hate with its own history and logic.