On Wednesday, Keerthy took to social media to share photos with Tamil superstar Vijay who graced her wedding. Calling him their “dream icon”, Keerthy wrote a special caption to express her joy at ...
Google Photos has long been a favorite for storing and sharing memories, but recent changes have left many seeking alternatives. A good photo storage platform should offer more than just space.
The year was made up of extraordinary moments — and Times photographers captured them in extraordinary images. By Carolyn Ryan I’m a managing editor at The Times. When shots were fired at a ...
Based in Chennai, the capital city of Tamil heartland, Tamil Cinema, which is fondly called Kollywood, has a broad reach across the nation and among the Tamil diaspora worldwide. Netflix boasts an ...
This tool allows people to prompt with images instead of text, allowing them to remix a photo by altering the subject, scene, and style. Whisk uses Google’s image-generation model, Imagen 3 ...
It is understood that police believe that Michelle Sadio, 46, may not have been the intended target of the attack, which came as people left a wake in North London. Neighbours described how a car ...
Rather than relying solely on text prompts, Whisk helps you create your desired images using other images as the base prompt. Whisk is currently in an experimental phase, but once set up it’s ...
Take a moment to peruse the 46 photographs below. You may need to click 'next' to view the complete collection of images. Do you like taking a walk down memory lane? Why not sign up to our new ...
Despite great strides in digital imaging and mobile interconnectivity, it’s not that easy to transfer photos between devices, especially those running different platforms — say, between an ...
Sharing the first pictures of them as a happily married couple ... Watch Meanwhile, Keerthy, who has made quite an indelible mark in Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam cinema, is set to make her big Hindi ...
A series of images that supposedly originated at Switch accessories manufacturer seem to show the Nintendo Switch 2. The leaked images also possibly confirm rumors of magnetic Joy-Cons ...