Discoms in Delhi have filed petitions with power regulator DERC for a "cost-reflective" tariff to be announced for this fiscal, citing a combined revenue gap of more than Rs 3,000 crore in 2022-23.
Created new columns and measures using DAX queries to get more insights out of the available data which are further used during dashboard creation. Performed sorting of the columns to get the desired ...
It’s available to buy now. The Jetson Nano line has been a low-cost way for hobbyists and makers to power AI and robotics projects since its introduction in 2019. Nvidia says the Nano Super’s ...
NEW YORK, Dec 17 (Reuters) - About half of the United States is at increased risk of power supply shortfalls in the next decade that could lead to outages and electricity conservation measures ...
The Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, south of Los Osos, Calif., is seen in this undated photo. Its life has been extended to 2030. San Diego County’s nuclear power plant, San Onofre ...
Reliance Power has launched Reliance NU Energies, a renewable energy subsidiary, appointing Mayank Bansal as CEO and Rakesh Swaroop as COO. The new entity will focus on solar, wind, and hybrid energy ...
2025 may be the year of EVs in India, dominated by SUV launches It has set up a new subsidiary namely Reliance NU Energies for renewable energy business, Reliance Power said in a statement. "The new ...
“A really strong example of the power the Royal Family can wield,” Ms Coy said. “What an asset they can be to the UK government.” ...
The government says it will allocate $300 million of that for a fund to allow small and medium-sized Canadian businesses to buy affordable computing power, also to be launched in the spring.