Choose three words that describe your ideal night in and make them the star of your design. Our top tip? The cheekier, the ...
Offering everything from wholesome daytime painting sessions to late-night BYOB events, Social Pottery is one of London's best known pottery painting spots — and for good reason. Price: £5 class ...
Miss Manners will warn you, however, that blunt does not always yield a response. And that you may well have opened the ...
Some people love cocktail parties. So when they get an invitation to an early-evening ... If you allow your brain to paint a picture of yourself as a cocktail party flop, standing in the corner ...
A pub in Pune has sparked controversy with its unique invitation for New year's eve party which includes condoms and ORS packets. Reports say the invitation from the High Spirits Cafe included an ...
The other side is the party invitation. The text, according to a translation from the British Museum, reads as follows: "Claudia Severa to her Lepidina, greetings. On September 11, sister ...
The mom, known as @thefoxtwins on social media, shared her frustration after receiving a birthday party invitation addressed to just one of her daughters—even though both twins are in the same class.
In his Labour Day Message, President Ranil Wickremesinghe extended an invitation to all political parties to join hands in charting a path towards a prosperous future for the nation. “Instead of a ...
Newly elected President Ranil Wickremesinghe invited all parties in Parliament including the opposition to work together on a new strategy fulfilling the aspirations of the people. Addressing the ...
If it is being done in-house then it takes a lot of effort and planning. Invitations, venue, catering, ensuring everyone comes, party games (if it is that sort of a party), music, and all the little ...