Hold off on recycling those old metal containers - with basic DIY skills and a bit of ingenuity, you can find plenty of uses ...
There are many reasons why we should keep the front of our houses neat, not least of which is to improve curb appeal. You may ...
PlantFusion’s Organic Plant Protein is available in a fully compostable pouch. The new flexible pouch also addresses the ...
If you love house plants but hate repotting, there are plants that need it a lot less than others. And you don't always need ...
'If you have some packaging left over from Xmas, use the bubble wrap to wrap up your pots, giving them an extra layer of ...
Discover how Bob Hawkinson's biodegradable products could transform garden and lawn maintenance and eliminate microplastics ...
If you like to use those plastic seed-starting trays to start seeds for your garden, there are plastic-free eco-friendly ...
Cat advocacy organization Alley Cat Allies recommends natural deterrents to keep cats away from specific areas in your property by scattering fragrant items that do not appeal to a cat's sense of ...
Now is the time when many of us are busy ordering seeds. We often end up with many seeds, some new ones we needed or wanted ...
First protect the kids and pets before the cooler temperatures come. But don't forget to take steps to protect your plants.
Mulch around the base with composted bark, well-rotted compost or manure to insulate the roots to encourage strong regrowth ...