WWF works to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife, collaborating with partners from local to global levels in nearly 100 countries. In the summer of 2018, I traveled to ...
During the hikes, researchers found over 20 unfamiliar-looking frogs, the study said. They took a closer look at the animals ...
As night fell across a swamp in southern Vietnam, a “large” fanged creature sat in the murky water. Its reddish eyes scanned ...
the frogs sink between each leap. “It’s fascinating how easily we can be fooled by fast animal movements,” said Professor Socha. “Here, we’re fooled by a frog that appears like a skipping stone, but ...
During some nighttime searchers, they noticed some unfamiliar-looking frogs. Intrigued ... Their “copper” eyes stick out slightly. Photos show the various brown hues of the new species.
Is walking on water possible for frogs? Several species have fascinated observers with their abilities to skip side-to-side and leap into the air from the surface of a pond as if the water were land.