On January 10 or thereabouts, 49 BC, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river – an act that purportedly began Caesar’s civil ...
it's all in how you phrase things — even if it's just to yourself. Take this quiz here to see if you have higher emotional resilience than most people: Kathy and Ross Petras are the brother-and ...
1 / 5 | If the Barbenhimer phenomenon defined the summer of 2023, this word was the tune of the season this year. Inspired by the namesake album of a popular artist, the word became a trend, an ...
The past 12 months have been the gift that's kept on giving when it comes to newly-coined words and phrases entering our lexicon. But how well do you know the terminology that's been all over ...
Look at the "Vocabulary List", and check the meaning and correct pronunciation of each word or phrase. When you think you have learnt them, please challenge the "Vocabulary Quiz".