The Mosaic Co. (Tampa, Fla.) and Fosfatados Centro SPE Ltda announced that they have entered into an agreement for the sale ...
A team of researchers from GSI/FAIR, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and the Helmholtz Institute Mainz has succeeded in ...
Back in the old days—the really old days—the task of designing materials was laborious. Investigators, over the course of ...
The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is a prominent state education board responsible for conducting the class 10 and class 12 exams. To assist students in preparing for their exams, the board ...
propagation of electro-magnetic waves along periodic circuits and filtering properties of such systems.
B.C.-based Infracon Construction wants to revive the former Agrium Phosphate Mine outside Kapuskasing. Infracon announced Dec. 19 of it has acquired the past-producing open-pit mine from a numbered ...
The formula for gross profit margin is: Operating profit is a slightly more complex metric, which also accounts for all overhead, operating, administrative, and sales expenses necessary to run the ...
The federal Environmental Protection Agency Friday approved a test project using a toxic byproduct of phosphate mining for road beds. The ruling will allow Mosaic company to test a roughly one-mile ...
A new study suggests that Stonehenge was built to unite the ancient Britons. This grand monument may have served as a symbol of unity when new groups from Europe were arriving in the region.